
Remote Learning Agreement Uft

Remote learning is a reality of education in the COVID-19 era, and the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) has played an important role in negotiating and securing agreements for remote learning in New York City. The UFT has worked with the New York City Department of Education (DOE) to establish guidelines and protocols to ensure that remote learning meets the needs of students, teachers, and families.

One of the key agreements that the UFT has negotiated is the Remote Learning Agreement. This agreement establishes the terms and conditions of remote learning for both teachers and students, ensuring that everyone involved is aware of their responsibilities and expectations.

The Remote Learning Agreement covers a range of topics, including attendance, instruction, grading, and communication. It outlines the expectations for attendance and participation in remote learning, including the number of hours of synchronous (live) instruction that students are expected to participate in each day. The agreement also specifies that teachers are required to provide feedback and grade assignments in a timely manner.

Communication is a critical component of remote learning, and the Remote Learning Agreement includes provisions to ensure that teachers and parents are in regular communication. Teachers must make themselves available for virtual office hours and must respond to parent inquiries within a reasonable timeframe. The agreement also provides guidelines for the use of technology and software during remote learning, to ensure that students and teachers have the tools they need to be successful.

The UFT has also negotiated agreements around health and safety during remote learning. Teachers are required to complete a daily health screening, and students are expected to follow the same guidelines as if they were attending in-person classes. The agreement also includes provisions for accommodating students with disabilities and providing language access to ensure that all students have equal opportunities to succeed in remote learning.

In conclusion, the Remote Learning Agreement negotiated by the UFT demonstrates the critical role that unions can play in ensuring that remote learning is effective and equitable for all. The agreement establishes clear expectations and guidelines for teachers, students, and families, creating a framework for success in the challenging context of remote learning. By working together with the DOE, the UFT has helped to ensure that New York City students have access to high-quality education during these challenging times.